Medical Waste Recycling

Strategic Markets

Better manage costs and lessen environmental impact through proven, approved and safe recycling

The Medical Waste & Recycling industry is an important global market with an estimated size of $11.8Bn in 2018. The industry serves doctors, nurses, healthcare technicians, veterinarians, caregivers, home care workers and corporations worldwide in a variety of healthcare sectors such as hospitals, clinics, dental offices, assisted living facilities, home care agencies, and other healthcare facilities.

Neos Equity Group believes that the Medical Waste & Recycling industry is uniquely positioned to outperform current industry expectations. This performance is driven by many tailwinds in the industry, but specifically due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased need to remove coronavirus exposed materials. This has also led to stricter regulations regarding how healthcare companies dispose of waste and the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) required to operate.

Additional tailwinds for the industry include a continued rise in elderly population, development of advanced manufacturing techniques for medical and drug equipment, increasing initiative by the government towards developing the healthcare infrastructure across developing worlds, and a rise in awareness regarding medical waste management.

Key Industry Insights:

Neos Equity Group intends to execute a portfolio “roll-up” strategy of Medical Waste Recycling businesses in this highly fragmented industry and leverage Neos’ executive team expertise in the healthcare industry. Neos will target businesses with gross revenue between $5mm - $25mm.

If you are interested in selling your Medical Waste Recycling business, please feel free to contact us to set up a meeting and discuss at
